A recent guest, Pete Janzen, shared his photos of some migratory birds passing through our area in September this year. These are Scaled Quail, Curve-billed Thrasher and Cassin’s Vireo.
Watch This Video of Our New Cabins!
Step inside these new log cabins in Coolidge (The Wichita Eagle)
by Matt Riedl
They are here!
Trail City Bed and Breakfast is pleased to provide you another quality facility. We now have two log cabins ready for occupancy. Please follow the reservation link to reserve your stay today!
Welcome to Trail City Bed and Breakfast and Coolidge, Kansas!
We’re glad you stopped by. Our goal is to provide you a one-of-a-kind vacation experience. We’re proud of our town, historic sites, history and attractions which all add up to make Coolidge Kansas a great vacation destination.
Whether your visit is for business or relaxation you will find our rooms and amenities just what you need for a peaceful nights rest. We can help you identify local attractions to showoff the area and provide you a full Coolidge visit.
If you enjoy bird watching – we have birds. If you enjoy fishing – we have fish. If you enjoy historic sites – we have them a plenty. If you enjoy Geocaching – then stay with us and get ready to have some fun!
Capitalizing in Coolidge

Call it Clark W. Griswold’s American road trip.
In 1983, a puke green and wood-paneled station wagon pulls into Coolidge, Kansas, and there on a farm lives Cousin Eddie. You remember the worm farmer – the guy who barbecues Hamburger Helper without the hamburger.
And, of course, let’s not forget Aunt Edna.
Read the full article here Capitalizing in Coolidge
Posted Apr 18, 2014 at 12:01 AM Updated Apr 18, 2014 at 7:45 PM